Jody Wintringham

I have signed up for the Whânau Âwhina Virtual Fun Run!

All the money raised here goes to support Whânau Âwhina’s work in the community - supporting whânau and families who need Whânau Âwhina the most.

It will go towards programmes that help whânau feel connected within their community and in empowering parents in their role as parent or caregiver

So, sign up to run with me, or donate to my page, and from New Zealands littlest people – thank you for helping to give them the best start!

My Updates

Happy Mothers Day

Sunday 8th May
Today we enjoyed breakfast  from the Plunket Mothers Day pack.  Thanks Plunket.

Yesterday we did the Mothers Day fun run (walk).  Walked around the block with Luca on his trike, and then to the park and run around the park, down the slide approximately 60 times haha.  He loves the slide so much, he’s never dared to go down it before.  It’s a double slide, two chutes side by side so we went down together.

Fun run today

Sunday 10th Apr
Today we went out and did our bit.  We started out on the beachside path, and made our way around to the playground.  After having a play and a run around, we walked back along the boardwalk to complete our walk. 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Luca’s Nana

Go Luca Go Jody


Noeline Mcqueen

Looks as if you and Luca had fun.


Jody Wintringham